Avalanche Ecosystem Encyclopedia and Main Projects Overview

7 min readSep 25, 2021

Part One Avalanche Universe

1. Avalanche Brief

Avalanche is an open-source platform for launching decentralized finance applications and enterprise blockchain deployments in one interoperable, highly scalable ecosystem. Avalanche uses Proof-of-Stake, which allows tens of thousands of validators to have a first-hand say in the system while consuming minimal energy.

Avalanche is powered by the Avalanche consensus protocol; for specific use-cases on Avalanche, the platform is made to be totally-ordered and linear; this totally-ordered protocol is known as the Snowman consensus protocol.

Avalanche was designed to be customizable, scalable, and interoperable. Everything on Avalanche is a subnet, and every chain is part of a subnet. Validators are required to be a member of the Primary Network; all other subnets are optional. The Primary Network contains three blockchains:

Platform Chain (P-Chain)

Contract Chain (C-Chain)

Exchange Chain (X-Chain)

2. Avalanche Consensus Mechanism


3. Avalanche Stablecoin

4. Avalanche Whitepaper


5. Avalanche Ecosystem


6. Avalanche Token:AVAX

DOC_LINK https://assets.website-files.com/5d80307810123f5ffbb34d6e/6008d7bc56430d6b8792b8d1_Avalanche%20Native%20Token%20Dynamics.pdf


7. Avalanche Block Browser

8. Avalanche Latest News

9. Avalanche Official Website

Part Two Avalanche Bridge

Part Three Avalanche Ecosystem

The Avalanche ecosystem developed rapidly in Q2 of this year. One significant reason is that the Avalanche Foundation has announced Avalanche Rush, a $180 million mining incentive program to introduce more applications and assets to its growing DeFi ecosystem. The total value of lock-in (TVL) surged since its launch, breaking $1 billion on September 22 and breaking $2 billion three days later.

Apart from the ecological system, another important reason for Avalanche Ecosystem to develop quickly is that Avalanche Bridge successfully solved the challenge of transferring assets. The combination of the ecological system and technological upgrade helps the Avalanche Defi ecosystem to take off.

Since September, the Avalanche system enters into its consolidation period characterized with stable and reasonable which will truly boost and maintain Avalanche’s sustainable development.

Part Four Main Projects

  1. BENQI


Benqi is a non-custodial liquidity market protocol on avalanche. The protocol enables users to effortlessly earn interest or lending and borrowing in an over-collateralized manner.

Benqi is the first native liquidity market protocol on Avalanche which also boasts the highest lock-in value. It has received investments from a conglomerate led by Ascensive Assets and made up of Dragonfly Capital、Spartan Group、Ava Labs、GBV Capital, etc.


(3)Latest News

(4)BENQI Liquidity Mining


(6)Token Distribution

(7)Official Website

2. Trader JOE


Trader Joe is a one-stop decentralized trading platform on Avalance. It combines DEX services with DeFi lending and borrowing to offer leveraged trading.


(3)Joe’s Guide to Avalanche

(4)How Do I Get Started?



(7)Official Website

3. Pangolin


Pangolin is a community-driven decentralized trading platform launched by Avalanche. It adopts the automatic market maker (AMM)model as Uniswap which allows users to take advantage of Avalanche’s high performance to improve trading speed and decrease trading costs. Pangolin’s governance token PNG will be distributed fairly to the community. The team doesn’t raise funds and reserves no share. The 0.3% of the trading fees will be returned to liquidity providers.


(3)Latest News



(6)Official Website

4. Yield Yak


Yield Yak is an easy-to-use tool that allows users to earn more revenue on Avalanche. The protocol helps farmers to earn more yield by automatic reinvestment. Different from other tools, Yield Yak has an attractive stimulus mechanism for reinvesting. There is a reinvest botton in each pool and farmers can activate the button through paying the Gas fee to start reinvestment. The protocol will earn and reinvest the interests to bring users compound interests. Everyone can press the button without necessarily owning shares in the pool. To fully motivate users, the reinvest can receive rewards of around 0.25%-5% of interests.


(3)Latest News

(4)How Do I Get Started



(7)Official Website

5. Snowball


Snowball provides the first stablecoin swap AMM for Avalanche. The protocol is developed based on the Pickle Finance of Ethereum. It is a financial tool to manage the community operating on Ethereum virtual machines.


(3)Latest News



(6)Official Website

Part Five Afterword

Since August, a number of pubic chains have started to rise. As a representative of high-performance public chains, Avalanche has taken the lead. Since September, the competitiveness of public chains has been gradually back to normal. This peace encourages us to reflect: which public chain will develop in a sustainable manner? Behind the hype, what strengths does a project really have?

Compared with BSC and Polygon, which rose in the first half of this year, Avalanche still enjoys great growing space for further improvement in each aspect. By taking advantages such as high scalability, low costs, technology and infrastructure improvements as well as heightened ecological incentives, Avalanche is expected it to welcome another growth spurt after the current peaceful period. However, if it suffices with its present achievement and seeks no further innovation, it will be doomed to vanish among the vast and new public chains.

